Casino Articles

casino articlesAt we know that we have a mix of readers, ranging from players very new to online casinos and how they work to experienced punters that have been playing games online for years and are looking for some new insights.

We don’t publish articles to patronise you, we don’t try to sell you anything and we don’t attempt to push you to play with specific sites or casino groups.   We also don’t use our articles to sell links to other casino information sites, these pages are written for you the user and no one else.

Our aim is to inform you on a range of topics pertinent to playing games online for money and getting the best out of it for you. Whether that be how the nuts and bolts of casinos work or how groups and platforms are set up to how white label programs operate.  These pages are designed only to provide information to help players understand how the industry works to allow you get more from the way you play.

Casino White Label and Platform Providers - What Is The Difference?

You may have heard of white labels before but don’t fully understand what they are or how they work.

This article explains what a white label is and what it is not.

The Process Of Making Online Casino Slot Games

Slots have been around for more than 100 years, and as soon as the internet was capable of hosting them online versions also hit the industry.

If you have ever wondered who makes them and how then you will enjoy this article.

The Processes Involved In Getting New Online Casino Sites Off The Ground

This is the place to start if you are as green as the grass when it comes to online casinos and how to use them.

Let us hold your hand through the process as you get yourself set up, so that you are ready to hit the online casino of your choice with confidence from the outset.

You Do Not Pay Tax Online Casino Winnings But Gambling Is Still Taxed

Winning money is always exciting, but if you don’t know the lay of the land it might be unexpectedly stressful too.

Will you owe tax on that money? Are the authorities watching you? Read this article and relax.

Many Online Casinos Are Based Abroad For Tax, Licensing And Employment Reasons

Have you ever noticed that the majority of online casinos seem to be based in places like Malta or Gibraltar?

There is a very good, and rather interesting, reason for that. Find out what it is inside.

The Biggest UK Jackpot Winners

What remains a dream for most became a reality for these lucky so and so’s. They struck it rich by winning the jackpot while playing slots.

We all need a bit of encouragement sometimes, and their stories will hopefully do just that.

Slots Site, Online Casino, Bingo Site: Are They All Just The Same Thing?

You have probably seen a good deal of the different online gaming sites out there. You might have wondered why some offer certain products and others do not.

There are subtle differences between online gambling sites, and for very good reason too.

Becoming a Croupier in a Casino

If you find the idea of casino work exciting, a career as a croupier could be right for you. It’s not too difficult to get into and the opportunities it provides for promotion and lifestyle changes are great.

What’s not always clear is how to get into it in the first place and exactly what the job entails. This article should clear it up.

Taking Pictures or Videos Inside a Casino is Generally a No No

Historically taking pictures or videos inside casinos has not been allowed.  Things have started to change since the advent of smartphone, simply because casinos can no longer really stop all people from taking pictures anymore.

What they do now is have designated areas where pictures can be taken, away from tables, slots and the cashier.  Videos are still very much of a big no though.

So Many New Slots Released Each Month But Is It Quantity Over Quality?

Any decent casino will have a steady stream of new slots that are added to keep their players happy. But are these games actually different from each other or are they just the same game with a difference face?

We delve into the world of new slot release and address exactly why so many new games are released. It shouldn’t surprise you to hear that it all comes down to money.

No One Should Play Triple Zero Roulette

Most people know European roulette has one zero and American roulette has two zeros.  American roulette is therefore poorer value as the house edge is higher, every time zero comes in all bets except those placed on it are lost.

In Las Vegas triple zero roulette has now appeared, which is even worse value than double zero.  To the unwitting bettor these games can look attractive but should be avoided at all costs.

The Racetrack and Call Bets in Roulette

Most of us who have played more than a few games of roulette can picture the table layout of numbers in order from 0-36 with columns, rows, odds, even, etc.  People will often bet on numbers in sequence but these numbers are not together on the roulette wheel.

If you want to cover numbers grouped on the actual wheel you need to use the racetrack version.  This allows you to cover sections of the wheel and different parts of the wheel have different names.  Find out more as well as whether this is a better way to play than the standard layout.

In 1994 Gaming Club Online Casino Became The First Online Casino Site

The internet given its nature means there should surely be a clear record of who created the first casino.  The thing is it isn’t actually that clear.  Back in the 1900’s things were less regulated and the internet was a niche thing so there are arguments as to what was actually the first casino online.

Generally the Gaming Club from Microgaming is considered the first casino to go online but others quickly cropped up.  It was all download back then and very different to today.

Unusual Gambling Games: Chuck-a-Luck, Chicken Challenge, Vinkensport & More

You would have to be living on another planet if you had never heard of roulette, blackjack or poker given how these games are now synonymous with casinos and played globally. There are, however, a ton of more unusual games that people gamble on that you may not have heard of.

The likes of Chuck-a-Luck, Vinkensport or The Chicken Challenge.  Here we look at some of the more strange and bizarre games that people gamble on across the world.

Card Counters Are The Bane Of The Casino - How Do They Catch Them?

Card counting actually pre-dates casinos, for as long as there have been card games people have tried to predict where cards are to their advantage.  It isn’t actually illegal or classed as cheating as you are only using your own mind and counting skills to gain an advantage in the game.

Still casinos don’t want people card counting and taking money off them so they employ a lot of techniques to catch those doing it.

Casinos Use Chips Instead Of Cash For Security, Convenience, Psychology & For Data

Casino chips became popular in the US during the gold rush when players would often try to play with gold nuggets, which are hard to value on the spot.  Chips gave a way to standardise these transactions.

There are lots of legitimate reasons why casino use chips such as security and to enable quicker game play.  They are also used because they psychologically are more dispensable to people than real cash plus using microchips casinos can track chips and collect a hell of a lot of data.

Casino No Deposit Bonuses Must Be A Con Right?

No deposit bonuses are not as common as they once were but they do still exist and many people still question whether they are legitimate or just a con?  Well, they are not a con.  They are a customer acquisition tool used by betting sites to get you to sign up and try out the site.  They hope after using this bonus you will then deposit and play more.

While they are loss-leaders to a degree not many people actually win with no deposit bonuses because they are often low amounts with high wagering requirements and maximum winning limits.  There is nothing wrong with using them but you should be aware of your own limits first.  The main reason to use these bonuses is to try a site out as opposed to actually try to win real money from it.

Casinos Set Their Own Payout Rates On Slots So Careful Who You Choose

If you play the same slot game at two different casinos then surely it is exactly the same game, right?  Well, not always.  Land-based casinos can actually define the return to player (RTP) percentage of the games they feature, meaning you could play the same game in two different venues and have different chances of winning.  RTP rates are always published on machines but few people check these, even then are people likely to move to a different casino to get a few percentage more RTP?

Online things are different and you will find that all slots have the same RTP within the same region.  These can, however, differ between different countries depending on levies, tax rates and licensing costs.

Devious Methods Used to Cheat Casinos or Players

The nature of gambling means there will always be people who try to cheat to get something for free.  We generally think of players when it comes to cheating but equally history is full of stories about casinos cheating people too by rigging games and payouts.

It seems cheating can go both ways and here we look at some of the methods used by players to cheat casinos and conversely casinos to cheat players.

Deciding How Much Should You Take With You To A Casino

Naturally there is no definitive answer to how much you should take with you to a casino, except to say only take with you what you can afford to lose.  If playing online only deposit and play with money you can afford to lose.

Casino is a form of entertainment and as with other entertainment people are happy to pay for it to a degree.  This is how you should look at it, expect to lose and therefore only pay what you can afford to lose.  See what you take with you to a casino or what you deposit into a casino as in effect a fee for the entertainment.

There Are Always New Slots Coming Out So Why Are There No New Casino Table Games?

It is a little puzzling as to why when it comes to casino table games things seem to have stalled for nearly the last century.  We have lots of new variations on existing games like roulette, blackjack and craps but there are have few genuinely new tables games in the last 100 years, why is that?

It is understandable that land based casinos wouldn’t be inclined to invest in a whole new load of table games, having to train up croupiers and deals as well as players.  Online, however, many of those issues don’t exist so why, unlike slots, has there not been an explosion of new table games in recent years?

Dealers, Security, Pit Boss, Cashier: What Can You Earn Working in a Casino?

Casinos actually offer some of the best rates of pay for non-university educated people.  You don’t need a degree to work in a casino and casino managers sit in the top bracket for pay when it comes to those without one.

There are, of course, a range of jobs so here we look at what you might expect to be paid working in the various roles.

RTP Rates Are Dropping For Casino and Slot Games Due To Rising Taxes And Costs

Many players look for games with the highest return to player (RTP) percentages to try to get better value.  The fact is those percentages have been dropping over the years, even online.

It is partly down to increased taxation and regulation that operators need to claw back in the form of worse returns.  Still, you can be savvy and find games, older games especially, that still have good RTP rates.

My Game Changing Slots from the Past 25 Years

There are literally thousands and thousands of slots now since the advent of online gambling.  Most are relatively short lived but a few catch on and become popular mainstays in real and online casinos.

These are the games we are looking at there.  Slots that have really set the bar in the last quarter century and why.

Casinos Make A Lot Of Money So They Work Hard To Keep It Safe

Let’s face it big casinos naturally take a lot of money.  That money isn’t out on the floor, this is one reason we play with chips, but we all know casinos make big profits and we know those takings have to be kept on site until they are banked.

Therefore, casinos go to huge lengths to keep their money safe.  Of course, that still hasn’t stopped people trying to rob them.

Pineapple Poker, Casino War, 3 Dice Football And Other Online Casino Games That Failed

Naturally we talk a lot about the casino games that people love that have been very successful but for as many games that have made it there are more that have not.

Here we look at some casino games that have largely failed, not necessarily completely but certainly did not live up to expectation.

Spend Per Hour Can Vary A Lot Between Casino Games So Choose Wisely

The best way to think about casino games is as a form of entertainment and as with other leisure activities you will plan how much you will spend before you start, giving you an expectation as to how much things will cost.

The same should apply when playing casino games but not all games are equal and some cost a lot more per hour to play.  It isn’t just the stake amount you need to think about but the speed of play and the house edge.

Titanic, Bodies, Van Gogh - Strange And Wonderful Casino Exhibits and Exhibitions

Casinos are entertainment venues as much as they are gambling establishments, that is especially true in resorts like Las Vegas.

Over the years it has become normal for casinos to branch out into forms of entertainment and these include some large and strange exhibitions.  Here we look at some of the biggest, strangest and most intersting.

New Casino Resort Developments

Casinos are no longer back street venues for members as they were 100 years ago.  Today casinos take centre place and entire resorts have been set up around them generating billions in revenue and expanding gambling tourism.

Here we look at some of the latest casino resort developments around the world and what you can expect from them in the future.

The Hardest Casino Games Tend To Be The Least Popular

Of course, this is a subjective question as it depends on the type of person and how easily they can get to grips with certain games.  Some games, though, like slots are universally simple while other more involved table games require a bit more investment in time and research to get the best out of them.

Games like Poker, Baccarat, Craps, etc., all need some knowledge to play and that can make them harder but also more interesting for those that do invest the time.  Here we look at what are the hardest games and whether hard games are less popular.

The Golden Gate Was The First Las Vegas Casino

Las Vegas rose from virtual nothingness in 1905 due to the new railroads that were build.  One year later the Nevada Hotel was build on 1 Freemont Street, which went on to be Las Vegas first casino: The Golden Gate.

Here we explore how that first casino came about and the subsequent effects it had on the future of the worlds most famous gambling city.

Las Vegas Was Named By The Spanish And Means Fertile Plains

As with other cities on the west coast of the US the name Las Vegas was coined by Spanish travellers.  It literally means The Meadows” or “Fertile Plains”, which is rather ironic in the modern day.

Indeed, when the future city was named it was still part of Mexico but soon would become one of America’s most iconic cities due to the railroad the massive local infrastructure project that was the Hoover Dam.

The Ridotto: The First Modern Casino

The first gambling house that is most akin to a modern casino was The Ridotto in Venice, Italy.  It opened in 1638 and brought casino-style gaming to the masses – well those that could afford it.

The Ridotto had a huge influence on similar venues in neighbouring countries like France and without it today we might not have games like roulette as a result.  Indeed, ‘casino’ itself means ‘little house’, which is directly linked back to The Ridotto.

The Word ‘Jackpot’ Comes From Poker

We all know what jackpot means but where does the word come from?  It actually originated in a form of poker where a hand of jacks or better was needed to carry on the hand, if no one could better this the cards would be reshuffled and redealt.  This allowed the pot to grow very large in many instance.

At some point this got shortened to ‘Jacks Pot’ and then later ‘jackpot’.  The word hasn’t always meant good things though and for a period it was term used to reflect misfortune.

Cheating or Skill - The Art Of Card Counting

Card counting is as old as the casino games that cards are counted in.  It is now harder than ever to do thanks to the fact that casinos are wise to the practice and have lots of ways to monitor play.  It is, however, somewhat of an evolutionary race, as casinos get better at catching people players get better at disguising card counting.

Card counting done well can generate returns but while not illegal it can see you banned from a casino if caught. Here we look at the art of card counting in the modern day.

Dodgy Dealers: Dealers Who Have Scammed Casinos & Players

When we thinking about crime in casinos we often thinking of the punters trying to rob the place or conduct some sort of scam.  Here we are looking at the other side, the dealers and employees of casinos that have committed fraud or crimes against the house or the players.

While it is fairly rare there are dodgy dealers out there and whether they are acting as an inside man, betting on their own games or helping players cheat it does still happen.

Casinos That Are Owned by the Same Company

In the old days before online betting it was easy to tell what casinos were owned by the same people as they often carried the same name.  These days online, however, many seemingly unlinked brands can actually fall under the ownership of one super group.

Here we look at the biggest casino owners in the UK and abroad to help you understand what casinos are owned by who.  This may be because you want to play with casinos in the same group or it could be because you want to make sure you are playing with sites owned by different people.

Casinos Can Offer Credit to Visitors but Not Residents

In 2020 credit cards and the use of credit to gamble was banned in the UK in order to protect customers after it was revealed those that use credit are more likely to be problem gamblers or develop problems. However, as part of the long awaited white paper released in 2023 it was stated that while UK players are still banned from using credit foreign visitors can be offered such credit?

On this page we answer the question as to why that is the case and if it is fair?  Largely the reason is to get more money from tourists but are we just putting foreign nationals at more risk in the process?

Jokers Are Not Just For Fun Plenty Of Card Games Use Them

What most people do when they open a pack of card to play a game is to flick through the deck and remove the jokers but why exactly are they in there?  What card games use jokers and why?

Here we explore some of the more well known games that utilise the joker, such as; Canasta, Euchre, War and Poker and ask why and also how to use the joker in these games.

Casino And Slot Games That Were Banned And Why

Different governments around the world over the years have decided to ban various forms of gambling over the years.  The USA banned it during prohibition and largely banned online gambling from 2006-2018.  Early pinball machines were even banned on the basis they were a game of chance.

On other occasions specific slot games have been banned, such as Star Wars slots that were removed when Disney took over and didn’t want to be associated with gambling.  Sometimes slots are banned because of themes and imagery too, like with the ban on slots that may appeal to children.  Even computer games have seen bans on things like loot boxes in certain countries on the basis these may be classed as gambling.